Call for Abstracts

We invite you to submit an abstract for an oral, poster, or pre-conference workshop to share your research, practice knowledge and experiences and be part of the conference programme. 

Closing dates of
Abstract Submission:

Workshop submissions close:

Friday 14 February 2025

Oral and Poster presentation submissions close: 

Friday 23 May 2025

Presentations Types

Oral Presentation

This is a traditional presentation, which may be supported with audio visual aids. All concurrent oral presentations are allocated 15 minutes as part of the concurrent programme.

Poster Presentation

Posters are especially effective for information that can be presented visually (e.g.: photos, charts, graphs, tables). If your abstract is accepted as a poster, you will need to develop the poster prior to the conference. Poster Guidelines will be provided at the time of abstract acceptance.

Poster Presentation plus oral presentation

In addition to displaying your poster at the conference (as above) you will be allocated a three minute spot at the end of a concurrent session to provide a brief overview of your poster. This should be done by using only one slide on screen and should convey the key points in a concise, impactful way.


We welcome abstracts for pre-conference workshops which could be either 90 minutes, 3 hours, or a full day (approximately 6 hours). Ideally these workshops will be interactive and designed to explore topics related to midwifery. The workshops will be held on Wednesday 27th August, before the full conference.

Presentation Formats

  • Abstracts may about sharing midwifery research, midwifery knowledge or midwifery experiences. 

    Title – In bold

    Insert blank line

    Author(s) first and last names (please also identify the presenting author/s in bold), with superscript number referring to the affiliation of the author(s) in the next lines

    Insert blank line

    Affiliation (Organisation, City and Country (if outside of New Zealand)

    Insert blank line

    Insert abstract text in the following format:

    For research abstracts:

    • Background: A brief overview of why the subject is important for midwives

    • Objectives: The purpose of the research including the research questions

    • Methods: Explain how you did your research and how you analysed the data

    • Results: What were your main findings?

    • Conclusion: Link your objectives and findings

    • Key message: Messages–how are the findings relevant for midwives? 

    For sharing midwifery knowledge/experience abstracts:

    • Introduction/Background: What is known about topic

    • Purpose: Why this topic is important 

    • Project: What you have done and how

    • Discussion: What difference has this made for women in your care

    • Key message: Why this is relevant to midwifery

  • A poster presentation summarises information or research in a concise way to generate discussion. Posters are expected to provide an outline of the topic or research using a mixture of brief text, results tables, graphs and pictures.

    Title – In bold

    Insert blank line

    Author(s) first and last names (please also identify the presenting author/s in bold), with superscript number referring to the affiliation of the author(s) in the next lines

    Insert blank line

    Affiliation (Organisation, City and Country (if outside of New Zealand)

    Insert blank line

    Insert abstract text to explain poster. The usual template is:

    • Background: A brief overview of why the subject is important for midwives

    • Objectives: The purpose of the research including the research questions

    • Methods: Explain how you did your research and how you analysed the data

    • Results: What were your main findings?

    • Conclusion: Link your objectives and findings

    • Key message: Messages–how are the findings relevant for midwives? 

  • The workshop should be designed to explore midwifery in Aotearoa. The abstract will need to explain

    • Learning outcomes - please describe what learning outcomes participants can expect from your workshop.

    • Process/activity and audience participation- we encourage interactivity at these workshops and therefore invite you to describe any activities that may be included in your session.

    • Timeline – identify if you need 90, 3 hours, or a full day for the workshop.

    • Tools/equipment –  if you are using specific tools/equipment please inform the organisers to ensure  we provide a room that meets your needs

    • Number of participants.  Please identify how many people will be facilitating the workshop, and the maximum number of participants you can accommodate.

    • References – list the key references that support your workshop proposal.

    • The Abstract Committee will review all abstracts and may contact authors or the nominated referees as part of the review process.

    Title – In bold

    Insert blank line

    Author(s) / Facilitator(s) first and last names (please also identify the presenting facilitator(s) in bold), with superscript number referring to the affiliation of the author(s) in the next lines

    Insert blank line

    Affiliation (Organisation, City and Country (if outside of New Zealand)

    Insert blank line

    Insert Workshop Text using the following template:

    • Learning outcomes: Please describe what learning outcomes participants can expect from your workshop

    • Interactive learning: : Workshops should be interactive, you will need to explain the learning activities planned for the participants and how they will enhance participation.

    • Key references: List the references that support your knowledge/skills workshop topic

    Number of participants: Please identify how many people will be facilitating the workshop, and the maximum number of participants you can accommodate

    Timeline: identify if you need 90 minutes,3 hours, or a full day for the workshop.

    Tools/equipment – if you are using specific tools/equipment please inform the organisers to ensure  we provide a room that meets your needs.  

You will be required to have:

  • Contact details of lead (corresponding) contact - All communications and correspondence regarding this abstract submission will be sent to the lead contact.

  • Abstract written in the correct format (see below)

  • All Author affiliations (organisation, city, region, country) 

  • Short biographies about the presenting author(s) (maximum 200 words in total)

All abstract submissions must be: 

  • Microsoft Word document 

  • Arial, 12 point

  • Maximum of 250 words

  • Single spacing without justified margins

  • You will be required to enter short biographies (maximum 200 words in total) on all presenting authors, during the abstract submission process.  

Please allow at least 10 minutes to complete the online profile and abstract submission process. 

Conditions of Submission

  • Late submissions will not be accepted. 

  • The Programme Committee will review all abstracts and may contact authors or their nominated referees as part of the review process. 

  • A condition of acceptance is that at least one author presents at the conference. 

  • Presenters must register to attend at least a day of the conference. They are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and registration expenses. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to authors or presenters.

  • It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure the accuracy of the content, spelling, grammar and formatting of the abstract, as it will be published as it is submitted. 

  • By submitting an abstract you also grant the committee permission to publish the abstract in the conference proceedings in hard copy and/or electronic format.

Further Information 

If you are having trouble submitting your abstract, then please contact the Conference Organisers, Composition at